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Working on Adding Shoe Milage Feature

You might have noticed the pick shoe option when saving a run recently. Soon you’ll be able to add your running shoes to your account and keep track of the millage you run on each of your shoes. We hope to also add a feature that will alert you know once it’s time to get a new pair of shoes based on the amount of millage you’ve run in them. And possible display some shoe similar to yours that you can purchase from shoe companies online.

We’ll send out another newsletter once we get this finished but I think it will make using our running log more effective and make training and running even easier. Plus we hope to help prevent injuries by having the shoe alert feature, because commonly most injuries are from improper or worn out shoes.

Let us know what you think, I know a quite a few of you had suggested we add this feature to our site. So we hope to have it up and running for you soon!

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